Unlock the music

Patreon is a membership platform for content creators to run a subscription service. It helps creators and artists earn a monthly income by providing rewards and perks to their subscribers. It was begun by an amazing performer named Jack Conte, of whom I first became aware via the band Pomplamoose.

Throughout history, arts patronage refers to the support that kings, popes, and the wealthy have provided to artists such as musicians, painters, and sculptors.

A patron supports individuals that work in or concern the arts. A patron shows that they value the art being created, by quite literally supporting the very creation of that art. Catherine the Great was a famous patron of the arts.

Patrons of the Arts are among the elite of society (IMHO)

I set up my Patreon homebase during an uncertain time in our shared history. Even now, with a thankfully renewed optimism in the world, no-one really quite knows what’s going to happen next, insofar as lock-down and quarantine laws, and everything associated with those and added/ongoing issues.

What I DO know however, is that as much as is within my control, I will always continue to work. I will always continue to do “gigs” in some form, and to an even greater extent than I have in last few years, I will generate more content – to entertain (mainly), to enrich (calm down, Big Fella), to educate (honestly, unlikely)… basically, especially in the short term, to “make normal” as much I can My life and Our shared existence.

What To Expect:

The content will be semi-regular (no particular fixed schedule at this stage), but there’ll be plenty of live-streamed gigs, videos, new (and old) songs, and you’ll always be able to make requests for songs too, that I’ll either live-stream, record, or perform live the next time I gaze upon your smiling countenance.

Please join in and show your support if you’re able to.

If you’re at all familiar with Patreon, or indeed most crowd-funding facilities, you’d know there are usually tiers of Donation For Reward.

Here, there are no tiers (or tears) – everyone has access to everything. $1/month, $50/month, all points in between (or beyond), it’s All Good.

From the very outset of my career, I played music for enjoyment. I began playing and singing as a way to improve my life and subsequently the lives of those around me. In over twenty years of writing, gigging, and producing, that’s never changed. If you’d like to get on board, I’d love to have you along for the ride.

Now more than ever, let’s be Kind, be Forgiving, be Thankful, be Generous, be Safe.
